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Ian Pollard: Bellway Enjoys Inflation Beating Price Increases

Bellway BWY updates that it has broken through the 10,000 homes barrier for the first time in its history, with an increase of 6.9% to a total of 10,307 for the year to the 31st July. Market conditions have remained favourable, trading and customer confidence have been robust, enabling the average selling price to be increased by 9.4% to an all time inflation beating high of 284,900.

Paddy Power Betfair PPB After a flat first quarter, the half year was saved  by double digit growth in the second, the pending arrival of the world cup and especially strong performances in the USA and Australia where revenue jumped by 20% and 19% respectively. For the six months to the 30th June, revenue rose by 5%, profit before tax by 4% and earnings per share by 1%. The interim dividend is to be increased by 3% and the company believes that the momentum which is now underway, will carry it through the second half.

Quilter plc QLT reports record adjusted profit before tax of £110 million and a special interim dividend of 12.0 pence per share in its first results as a listed company. The Chief Executive believes that its market offers significant growth opportunities and that the company is someway from demonstrating its full potential.

Page Group plc PAGE increased both profit before tax and basic earnings per share by over 18% in the half year to the 30th June, whilst revenue grew by 11.7% shareholders are rewarded with a 5.1% increase in the interim dividend yo 4,10p per share and the payment of a special dividend of of 12.73p per share. However there are challenges to be faced including Brexit in he UK and elections in Latin America.

Spirax – Sarco Engng SPX reports strong organic sales growth of 7% in the half year to the 30th June. Reported revenue rose by 28%, adjusted profit before tax by 22% and basic earnings per share by 25%. The interim dividend is to be increased by 14%.

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