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Company news, including: Ashtead – Dividends Up By 48%

ashteadAshtead AHD continued to go from strength to strength during its fourth quarter ending on the 30th April. Revenue for the quarter rose by 18%, profit before tax by 38% and earnings per share by 44%. This compares very favourably with the full year figures showing rises of 19% in revenue, 24% in profit before tax and 27% in earnings per share. The big bonus for shareholders is the proposed final dividend of 18.5p which will mean a 48% rise for the full year.

Eckoh plcEckoh ECK is increasing its full year dividend by 20% after revenue to 31st March rose by 31% and in the US where it claims tremendous progress was made, revenue skyrocketed from £0.2m to £4m., giving Eckoh its third successive year of double digit revenue and margin growth. Adjusted operating profit  rose by 22% and EBITDA by 20%.

Ted BakerTed Baker TED Despite challenging external trading conditions, the strength of the brands saw retail sales for the 19 weeks from 31st January, rise by 12.7%, wholesale by 7.3% and e commerce sales by 32.3%.

CrestCrest Nicholson CRST The government fueled housing bonanza continues apace allowing Crest to increase its completions for the 6 months to to 30th April by 7%. Revenue rose by 22% and both profit before tax and basic earnings per share were up by 25%.  Forward sales at mid June were up by 19% on a year ago.

parkgroupPark Group PKG claims an impressive trading performance  for the year to 31st March with profit before tax up by 8.5%, earnings per share by 13.3% and a proposal to raise the final dividend by 18.8%.

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