Home » News and Views » Alan Green talks to Coinsilium #COIN $CINGF Executive Chairman Malcolm Palle

Alan Green talks to Coinsilium #COIN $CINGF Executive Chairman Malcolm Palle

Alan Green talks to Malcolm Palle, Executive Chairman of Coinsilium (AQX: #COIN, OTCQB: $CINGF), a Blockchain & Open Finance venture builder based in Gilbratar.

Malcolm traces the history of Coinsilium as the first ever blockchain IPO on the Aquis market, through to the move to Gilbraltar and last year’s pivot to become a venture builder in the blockchain and Non Fungible Token space.

We discuss the nebulous opportunities available across the NFT market, with examples of digital art by Beeple and the Kings of Leon album release as an NFT.

Malcolm then covers the company finances before providing some key takeaway points and milestones for investors.

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