Home » ECR Minerals (ECR) » Alan Green talks Royal Mail Group #RMG, Destiny Pharma #DEST & ECR Minerals #ECR on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green talks Royal Mail Group #RMG, Destiny Pharma #DEST & ECR Minerals #ECR on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green joins the Podcast with Jonathan Roy for the weekly instalment of UK equities and market themes.

With the FTSE 100 remaining stubbornly within a tight range, we look back at the appreciation we’ve seen in cyclical shares and whether investors should expect a greater proportion of their returns to be achieved from income in the form of dividends in the future.

Financials, tobacco and some commodity shares are now yielding significantly above 5% and present an attractive allocation possibility for investors.

Having secured promotion to the FTSE 100 we look at Royal Mail and the drivers behind the tremendous run in shares from below 150p to 600p. This was largely down to success inn parcel growth that could waver as the economy reopens so we question their growth strategy going forward.

We discuss Royal Mail (LON:RMG), ECR Minerals (LON:ECR) and Destiny Pharma (LON:DEST).

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