Home » News and Views » Alan Green talks British Land #BLND, Corcel #CRCL & Lexington Gold #LEX on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green talks British Land #BLND, Corcel #CRCL & Lexington Gold #LEX on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green joins the weekly Podcast to discuss a number of equities including British Land (LON:BLND) following the release of their results.

The UK residential property market has defied calls for a collapse during the pandemic helped by government schemes such as reduction to Stamp Duty and a general reduction in supply. With the world now moving past the worst of the economic disruption, the UK property market is now entering a new chapter which could see housing activity rise to levels not seen since the financial crisis.

We discuss the key drivers behind the boom such as a ‘race to space’ and whether this can be sustained beyond the end of the year.

Naturally, we then move onto the commercial property sector and how cities such as London can realign their economies given the exodus of foreign born people, crucial to the hospitality sector associated with people working in offices.

There is detailed discussion of British Land (LON:BLND), Corcel (LON:CRCL) and Lexington Gold (LON:LEX).

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