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Advanced Oncotherapy – Brain tumour boy Ashya King back home in Portsmouth

From the BBC website.

Brain tumour boy Ashya King back home in Portsmouth.

A boy who was at the centre of an international manhunt after his parents took him abroad for brain tumour treatment is back home in Portsmouth.

Brett and Naghemeh King took six-year-old Ashya out of a Southampton hospital against medical advice last summer. The couple took him abroad to seek proton beam treatment, but when they were found in Spain they were arrested and held in prison.

They eventually won approval for Ashya to be treated in the Czech Republic. Mr and Mrs King had remained abroad with their son after the treatment saying they feared he could be taken into care.

The Portsmouth Local Safeguarding Children Board announced in September it would review the circumstances which led to the Kings taking Ashya abroad and the response of all the statutory authorities. Its report is due to be published in the autumn.

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