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Share Talk speaks with Frank Lewis on Core Finance

Accomplished Non-Executive, Executive Director and Chairman, equipped with a commanding track record over the past ten years of bringing sound judgement and a strong commercial perspective to the full business lifecycle from start-ups to success, from flotation to delisting, and in a few cases, to exit.

Developed great versatility from dealing with diverse businesses and cultures, nationally and internationally, and acquired significant experience working with rapidly expanding AIM-quoted SMEs.

An expert in corporate governance and compliance and risk management; enjoying challenging the status quo and providing independent advice to Boards whilst maintaining sound judgment, impartiality and integrity.

Possessing exceptional networking and communication skills and the credibility to liaise effectively with City Institutions, Stakeholders, Lawyers, Brokers and Auditors. Willing to travel globally as required.

More on Frank hereĀ Flewis


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