Home » Feedback (FDBK) » Feedback (FDBK) – Issue of equity to TexRAD founder

Feedback (FDBK) – Issue of equity to TexRAD founder

Feedback plc (AIM: FDBK), the medical imaging software company, announces that it has today issued 350,000 ordinary shares of 0.25 pence each pursuant to an exercise of warrants by a founder of TexRAD Limited, conditional on admission of the Warrant Shares to trading on AIM. The Warrants Shares were converted a price of 1.25 pence per ordinary share.

Application has been made for the Warrant Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and it is expected that admission will take place on 6 July 2017.

Following admission of the Warrant Shares to trading on AIM, the Company’s issued ordinary share capital will consist of 246,416,584 ordinary shares, with one voting right per share. The Company does not hold any shares in treasury. Therefore, the total number of ordinary shares and voting rights in the Company is 246,416,584.

The above figure may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

For further information contact:

Feedback plc
Dr Alastair Riddell

Tel: 01954 718072

Allenby Capital Limited (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker)
David Worlidge / Virginia Bull / James Thomas

Tel: 020 3328 5656

Northland Capital Partners Ltd (Joint Broker)
Patrick Claridge / Margarita Mitropoulou

Tel: 020 3861 6625

Peterhouse Corporate Finance Ltd (Joint Broker)
Lucy Williams / Duncan Vasey

Tel: 020 7469 0936

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