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Fitbug Still Weak

Fitbug Holdings FITB  Despite a disastrous 2015 Fitbug is still surviving with the aid of small loans for working capital and the energetic activities of its new CEO who recognises that the company had failed to deliver. Revenue in 2015 almost halved and losses soared from £3,761,000 to £6,303,000. First quarter sales in 2016 have shown a significant like for like increase, after robust remedial action by the CEO who believes that the company has a healthy future, with a defined growth strategy now in place. A potential equity fund raising is being considered

Triad Group TRD delivered further growth in revenue and profit in the year to 31st March with revenue up by 20% and profit before tax by 145%  The company which provides consultancy services to central government and the private sector, has a strong order book and intends to maintain its expnasion and the quality of its services by increasing the number of permanent employees and strengthening top management.

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