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Citius Resources #CRES – Annual Report

The Board of Citius Resources Plc if leased to announce its annual report and audited financial results for the year ended 30 April 2024. 

The annual report, Notice of Annual General Meeting & Proxy form will be posted to shareholders and available at the Company’s website https://citiusresources.co.uk/

Citius Resources Plc

Cameron Pearce

Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Tavira Financial Limited

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 7330 1833


Chairman Statement

Dear Shareholders,

I am pleased to present the final report and accounts for the twelve-month period to 30 April 2024 for Citius Resources Plc.

The Company announced during the period a binding Heads of Terms for the acquisition of 100% of the issued shares in Harena Resources Pty Ltd (“Harena”) the 75% owner of the Ampasindava Rare Earths Project in Madagascar (the, “Acquisition”). Harena is an Australian domiciled company preparing to develop the 75% owned Ampasindava Rare Earths Project, which will include the mining and processing of Ionic Clay material to extract Rare Earth elements to produce Mixed Rare Earth Carbonate or Mixed Rare Earth Concentrate.

The Acquisition will constitute a Reverse Take Over under the Listing Rules and accordingly, the company will apply for re-admission of its shares to the Official List and Main Market of the London Stock Exchange following an Extraordinary General Meeting.

I would like to thank all our shareholders for their patience in what can only be described as challenging market conditions. We look forward to finally applying for re-admission and moving the Ampasindava Rare Earths project forward.

Winton Willesee

Non-Executive Chairman

15 October 2024

Link here for the full annual report announcement

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