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#SVML Sovereign Metals – Sovereign Joins UK Critical Minerals Association





Sovereign has become a member of the UK’s Critical Minerals Association which works to increase the self-sufficiency of supply chains for the UK’s industrial strategy


Discussions with governmental groups are ongoing as Sovereign’s Chairman attended the UK Government’s Critical Minerals Strategy Roundtable


Sovereign’s Kasiya project in Malawi will produce rutile – the purest natural source of titanium, and natural graphite as a by-product – both designated Critical Raw Materials for the US and the EU


Importance of robust supply chains and security of supply for titanium metal and feedstocks highlighted by recent instability in Eastern Europe


Rutile market fundamentals including current and forecast pricing remaining very strong


Sovereign Metals Limited (ASX:SVM; AIM:SVML) (the Company or Sovereign) is pleased to announce that it has become a member of the UK’s Critical Minerals Association (CMA). Sovereign’s Kasiya Rutile Project (Kasiya) is the world’s largest undeveloped rutile deposit, the purest natural form of titanium, as well as containing a natural graphite by-product. Titanium and natural graphite have already been identified as Critical Raw Materials by the United States, the European Union and Australia.


Recent developments in Eastern Europe have highlighted the importance of robust supply chains and security of supply for critical raw materials. Sovereign’s membership of the CMA is part of the Company’s ambition of supporting sustainable, socially responsible, and environmentally beneficial supply of natural rutile and natural graphite. With an urgency to identify new sources of critical minerals, the CMA’s objectives include increasing the self-sufficiency of supply chains for the UK’s low-carbon, sustainability-driven industrial strategy. To this end, the CMA will provide a direct line of communication between Industry and Government.


Last week, Sovereign’s Chairman Ben Stoikovich attended the Critical Minerals Strategy Roundtable held by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Sovereign’s attendance follows a number of discussions between the Company and the UK’s Department of International Trade focussing on Sovereign’s potential to supply high purity titanium feedstocks and natural graphite as critical raw materials required by the UK. .


Sovereign’s Chairman Ben Stoikovich commented: “The world’s economies are rightly focusing on developing sustainable and secure supply chains of raw materials deemed critical based on their economic, environmental, and social importance. In this regard, Sovereign’s Kasiya project in Malawi is well positioned to potentially supply two critical raw materials to economies across the globe over several decades.”




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