Home » Tertiary Minerals (TYM) » Tertiary Minerals #TYM – Arrangements for 2022 AGM

Tertiary Minerals #TYM – Arrangements for 2022 AGM

TYMTertiary Minerals plc announces an up-date in relation to its AGM being held at  10.00 am on Friday 28 January 2022 at Arundel House, 6 Temple Place, London,  WC2R 2PG. 

Since the Notice of AGM was issued, the Board has been monitoring the Government COVID-19 guidelines with a view to protecting the health and safety of its shareholders, employees and other potential attendees of our AGM.

The AGM will still be held in accordance with the Notice of AGM and shareholders have the right to attend, speak and vote at the meeting if they so wish. However, in view of the current Government COVID-19 restrictions, and in the interests of shareholders’ own safety and the safety of others, the Company strongly encourages shareholders to consider appointing the Chair as their proxy instead of attending the AGM in person. Instructions for submitting proxy votes are contained in the Notice of AGM on page 54 of the 2021 Annual Report which can be found at:https://www.tertiaryminerals.com/filemanager/Tertiary_Minerals_plc_Annual_Report_2021.pdf  

All persons attending the AGM in person are requested to note the following health and safety measures:

· Prior to admission to the AGM, all attendees will be asked to declare that a negative lateral flow test has been taken within 24 hours of arrival, and that they are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19.

· Access to the AGM will be permitted from no earlier than 9.45 am. The venue will be well ventilated and meeting room  doors will remain open during the meeting to ensure maximum ventilation.

· Unless exempt, all attendees will be required to wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth at all times during the meeting save where presenting or asking questions.

Following the meeting, there will be an opportunity to ask questions of Directors from the floor, but we regret that we will not provide refreshments on this occasion. 

Given that arrangements need to be notified well in advance of the AGM, the Company considers it prudent to implement these arrangements regardless of any relaxing of Government regulations or guidelines prior to the AGM and reserves the right to take further steps in respect of AGM attendance should circumstances or Government guidance change, including the introduction of regulations to prohibit or further restrict public gatherings.


 For more information please contact:


Tertiary Minerals plc:

Patrick Cullen, Managing Director

+44 (0) 1625 838 679 

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP

Nominated Adviser and Broker

Richard Morrison

+44 (0) 203 470 0470

Caroline Rowe

Peterhouse Capital Limited

Joint Broker

Lucy Williams

+ 44 (0) 207 469 0930

Duncan Vasey


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