Home » Kavango Resources (KAV) » Kavango Resources #KAV – Shareholder presentation on KSZ Drilling

Kavango Resources #KAV – Shareholder presentation on KSZ Drilling

Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the exploration company targeting the discovery of world-class mineral deposits in Botswana, is pleased to announce that Ben Turney will be presenting at Shares Magazine Investor Evening on KSZ Drilling on Wednesday 16 June.

Ben is scheduled to speak at 1920 and will present the Company’s recently announced drill plans in the northern (Hukuntsi) section of the Kalahari Suture Zone.

Ben will provide shareholders and investors with screenshots and maps of the latest geophysical models Kavango has developed, following successful completion of further Time Domain Electromagnetic surveys in the area.

To register for the event please visit the link below.


The presentation will be recorded and a copy will be made available via the Company’s social media channels.


For further information please contact:

Kavango Resources plc   

Ben Turney



First Equity (Joint Broker)

+44 207 374 2212

Jason Robertson 

SI Capital Limited (Broker) 

+44 1483 413500

Nick Emerson

Note to Editors:


Kavango’s 100% subsidiary in Botswana, Kavango Minerals (Pty) Ltd, is the holder of 14 prospecting licences covering 7,573.1km2 of ground, including 12 licences over a significant portion of the 450km long KSZ magnetic anomaly in the southwest of the country along which Kavango is exploring for Copper-Nickel-PGM rich sulphide ore bodies. This large area, which is entirely covered by Cretaceous and post-Cretaceous Kalahari Sediments, has not previously been explored using modern techniques.

The area covered by Kavango’s KSZ licences displays a geological setting with distinct similarities to that hosting World Class magmatic sulphide deposits such as those at Norilsk (Siberia) and Voisey’s Bay (Canada). 

The Norilsk mining centre is about 2,800km northeast of Moscow and accounts for 90% of Russia’s nickel reserves, 55% of its copper and virtually all of its PGMs. Kavango’s licenses in the KSZ display a geological setting with distinct geological similarities to the magmatic sulphide deposits at Norilsk. Magma plumbing systems are a key feature of these deposits.

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