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Ian Pollard – IG Group To Slide In 2018 -19

IG Group Holdings plc IG reports record revenue, operating profit and earnings for the year to the 31st May with strong growth across all regions and products. It is proposed that dividends for the year be increased by 34%, with a final payment of 33.5p per share bringing the total to 43.2p. The outlook for 2019 is not as bright as revenue  will be lower than in 2018, reflecting the impact of the regulatory changes in the UK and EU.  Operating expenses are also expected to increase. A return to growth is expected in the following year.

Unite Group plc UTG The first half of 2018 has been another active and successful period with reservations at record levels.  91% of beds already reserved for the 2018/19 academic year and like-for-like rental growth is expected to be within a range of 3.0-3.5%. Profit before tax for the six months to the 30th June rose by 70% and the interim dividend is to be increased by 30%.

Drax Group DRX Performance in the six months to the 30th June was impacted, by two unplanned outages. Despite this last years statutory operating loss of £61m. was turned into a profit of £12.m and the statutory loss before tax of £104m fell to £11m. The reported basic loss per share which stood at 21p in the first half of 2017, fell to 1p. per share. The interim dividend is to be increased to 5.6p per share, a total of  £22.4 million compared to 2017’s £20m. The full year dividend is expected to total £56m

Fevertree Drinks FEVR Enjoyed further strong UK growth in the six months to the 30th June. Revenue rose by 45%. andaAdjusted EBITDA by  35% and the interim dividend was increased by 40% to 4.22p per share. The major progress made in the first half leads the company to believe the outcome for the full year will be comfortably ahead of expectations.”

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