Presentation at forthcoming European Congress of Radiology (March 1-5 2017)
Provided by University of Brescia.
Presentation Details
Presentation Title: Correlation between locally advanced HPV positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma and quantitative MRI parameters
Author Block: M. Leali, E. Tononcelli, E. Lleshaj, A. Grammatica, M. Ravanelli, D. Farina, R. Maroldi; Brescia/IT
(The presenting author is underlined.)
Disclosure Block: M. Leali: None. E. Tononcelli: None. E. Lleshaj: None. A. Grammatica: None. M. Ravanelli: None. D. Farina: None. R. Maroldi: None.
Session Number: SS 308
Topic: Head and Neck
Session Title: Head and neck cancer: value of multiparametric and advanced imaging techniques
Session Date/Time: Wednesday Mar 1 2017, 14:00 – 15:30
Room: 09/L 8
Below is a view of your accepted abstract:
Purpose: to evaluate the association between quantitative MR parameters and HPV status in advanced oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC).
Methods and Materials: 24 patients with locally advanced OPSCC underwent pre-treatment MR. Histogram analysis was performed on TSE-T2, DWI and post-gadolinuim 3D-VIBE sequences before and after application of a Laplacian of Gaussian spatial scale filter (ssf) at the primary tumor site. Search of HPV DNA on biopsies was performed to evaluate HPV status. Mann-Whitney test was used to assess differences in quantitative MR parameters between HPV+ and HPV- groups.
Results: 10 patients were HPV-positive (41,7%). Mean ADC was significantly lower in HPV+ compared to HPV- patients (0.83 vs 1.04 x 10-3mm2/s respectively, p=0.015). Skewness measured on 3D-VIBE with 1mm-ssf was significantly higher in HPV+ compared to HPV- patients (p=0.03).
Conclusion: quantitative MR parameters, especially mean ADC, may reflect microstructural differences between HPV+ and HPV- OPSCC.
Link to ECR presentation page here