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3 – Forthcoming TexRAD presentations at European Congress of Radiology (ECR) – Feedback (FDBK)

Presentation at forthcoming European Congress of Radiology (March 1-5 2017)

Provided by University of Brescia.

Presentation Details
Presentation Title: CT texture analysis as a predictor of response to therapy and prognosis in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Author Block: G. Bonera, G. Agazzi, M. Ravanelli, D. Farina, V. Ferrari, A. Berruti, R. Maroldi;  Brescia/IT
(The presenting author is underlined.)
Disclosure Block:  G. Bonera: None. G. Agazzi: None. M. Ravanelli: None. D. Farina: None. V. Ferrari: None. A. Berruti: None. R. Maroldi: None.
Session Number: SS 216
Topic: Oncologic Imaging
Session Title: Imaging and predicting treatment response and outcome in oncology
Session Date/Time: Wednesday Mar 1 2017, 10:30 – 12:00
Room: 19/M 3

Below is a view of your accepted abstract:
Purpose: To investigate if texture analysis (TA) on pretreatment contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) images can predict response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) and prognosis in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC).
Methods and Materials: 65 pretreatment CECT studies of mRCC patients treated with first-line TKI were retrospectively reviewed. Objective response was assessed every 3 months according to RECIST 1.1 and modified Choi (mChoi) criteria. TA was performed on a 5-mm-thick central slice for each target lesion using a commercially available software (TexRAD Ltd, UK). Primary texture features and a novel HeteroDensity Index (HDI), accounting for size-standardised heterogeneity and mean pixel density, were quantified using different spatial-scale filters (ssf). Per-patient texture features were correlated with objective response, progression-free and overall survival (PFS, OS) using logistic regression and survival analysis, statistical significance was corrected to control false discovery rate.
Results: Primary texture features were not able to discriminate responders and non-responders. HDI obtained with a 3-mm ssf (ssf3) was positively correlated with objective response (odds ratio 0.14 for RECIST and 0.2 for mChoi criteria, p 0.018 and 0.026, respectively). Low ssf3 HDI was associated with worse PFS (hazard ratio 4.14, p 0.0001) and OS (hazard ratio 3.36, p 0.0008).
Conclusion: TA on pretreatment CECT helps to predict objective response and prognosis in mRCC patients treated with first-line TKI.

Link to ECR presentation page here


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